Sewing a white boxy dress

Sewing a white boxy oversized dress with my old Husqvarna Automatic.

The Husqvarna Automatic is from the 50s and heavy as f.

If you’re interested in Scandinavian fashion, you might have seen the boxy white oversized dress. I feel like I’ve seen it on so many people and I can understand why. During the summer days, which have become super hot even in Scandinavia (which freaks me out) it’s nice to wear something that is covering but also loose. White is a nice colour to wear in the summer, and most people like to wear white during summer. So when the heatwave came to Copenhagen, where I’m based, this week – I quickly jumped on my old Husqvarna Automatic from the 50s to sew one for myself. Here’s how it turned out.

How I made the boxy white oversized dress

I didn’t really have a pattern for the dress, but I used this pattern from SelfMade for the top and I adjusted it by cropping it just where the curve to the armpits are starting.

For the skirt, I cut two rectangles from my fabric. I sewed a straight stitch and then scrunched it to have it fit the top part, and create some room and wavyness.

I didn’t have enough of one white fabric at home, so I used different fabrics for the different pieces. I started with this unbleached organic cotton that I bought in a fabric store in Stockholm a few years ago, and that I love because it has small speckles. I wanted to do the whole dress in this fabric, but since I didn’t have enough I went with only making the most visible part in this fabric.

That was pretty much it. When everything was put together I adjusted the length and then it was done. No zipper or anything. Super easy.

Hope this was helpful!

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